When working with individuals, I draw from several evidence-based approaches, including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Interpersonal-Process Therapy, and Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT).
Regardless of modality, my approach is fundamentally relational. My first priority is to build collaborative, authentic, and trusting relationships with my clients. I believe (and evidence supports) that this type of relationship is essential for effective therapy, as it helps people feel safe taking emotional risks, testing out new ways of relating to themselves and others, and ultimately make lasting changes.
I work with people struggling with
Shame or guilt
Psychological trauma
Navigating transitions
Finding meaning and purpose
Postpartum anxiety and depression
Parenting and transitioning to parenthood
Family conflict
Intimacy and trust
Communication and emotional expression in relationships
Disconnection and loneliness
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
The aim of ACT is not to reduce unpleasant thoughts and feelings per se, but to increase psychological flexibility in the face of the unpleasant thoughts and feelings that are an inevitable part of the human experience. In fact, painful emotions like sadness and fear often point us towards what matters most to us -- what we truly value. The mindfulness, acceptance, and cognitive defusion practices central to ACT help us embrace our full range of experiences, even when unpleasant, which paradoxically ultimately reduces suffering. With this awareness, we can get in touch with what we truly value lead more engaged and fulfilling lives.
Interpersonal-Process Therapy
Interpersonal-process therapy aims to help people develop deeper, more meaningful relationships. Influenced by our early experiences and relationship histories, all humans develop habitual ways of viewing relationships and patterns of relating. Some of these ways of relating -- such as keeping others at a distance or avoiding conflict -- though once adaptive, ultimately end up contributing to disconnection. From an interpersonal-process stance, the therapeutic relationship offers an opportunity to help us recognize and explore these patterns, and to test out new, more authentic ways of being. This approach involves awareness, openness, courage, and compassion on the part of both the client and the therapist.
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
CPT is a structured and time-limited therapy that is effective in reducing symptoms of PTSD following a traumatic event. Grounded in cognitive theory, this highly effective treatment helps people to better recognize and address patterns of thinking and feeling that contribute to being “stuck” in the process of healing from trauma. The primary focus of CPT is to help you identify and ultimately change inaccurate beliefs or "stuck points" related to the traumatic event. In so doing, your understanding of the traumatic event will shift, your emotions related to trauma will be less overwhelming, and your life will be less limited by patterns of avoidance.